AATB Learning
LGBTQ Authorization, Approach, and Terminology (Group)
- Non-member - $100
- Member - $60
Currently, 1.6 M people ages 13+ identify as transgender in the U.S. (according to Williams Institute (ucla.edu). This webinar will discuss working with the LGBTQ+ community, donors, and families.
Currently, there are no specific guidelines in place to help us deal with donated tissue from transgender donors. Because misunderstandings about the transgender population still exist, donations may be deferred because of the lack of official guidance. We will provide potential guidance to nonjudgmental screening with a knowledgeable historian, additional screening to assess potential risk factors, treatment/therapy timeframe, and processing considerations.
Review of social history can be very subjective, but it is crucial that we assess the risk factors to ensure recipient safety as well as honor the donor’s wish for donation.

Jami Otis, BS, CTBS
Training Manager of Donor Records
Jami Otis joined AlloSource in May 2007. She brings over 22 years of experience in the healthcare industry, with 15 years focusing on training/education. Jami received her education from the University of Colorado Boulder in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. Prior to joining AlloSource, Jami spent 13 years in the blood banking/cord blood industry, has experience in tissue recovery, and was an EMT-Intermediate for a rural ambulance service. Jami is currently the Donor Records Training Manager and runs the AlloSource Placenta Donation Program.
Vincent Nazaretian, BS
Tissue Donation Coordinator III
Vincent Nazaretian joined New England Donor Services as a Tissue Donation Coordinator in September of 2019. After completing training, he was promoted to a Tissue Donation Coordinator III and has been working with new hires in a preceptor role. Vincent created a presentation on Working with LGBTQ+ Donors and Donor Families and has had the opportunity to present this to multiple departments at New England Donor Services. He has been an active member of AATB's Donor Families Services Counsel since the start of 2022.
Vincent graduated from the University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2018 with a degree in Biology. After graduating, he worked for a couple of years as a medical assistant at Brigham and Women's Hospital in the cardiovascular department before starting at New England Donor Services.

Candace Klitzke, BA, CTBS, CEBT
Tissue Recovery Manager
As the Tissue Recovery Manager, Candace manages and develops the staff responsible for the surgical recovery of donated tissues. She ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and standard operating policies and procedures and is a subject matter expert in the evaluation and medical screening of potential tissue donors. Candace has 19 years of experience in the organ, eye, and tissue donation industry, which includes several years of recovery experience and manager of quality assurance. Candace works collaboratively with the tissue and organ work systems at Donor Alliance to facilitate quality improvement activities and effectively manage change. Candace holds various managerial and industry certifications, including Certified Tissue Banking Specialist and Certified Eye Bank Technician.