AATB Learning

Jamie Tichota-George, ST, CTBS
Jamie is a Tissue Donation Coordinator with Live On Nebraska where she was instrumental in launchingthe birth tissue program. As a surgical technologist, Jamie spent the majority of her career working ingynecology and plastic surgery, serving as the Clinical Resource Technologist at Bergan Mercy MedicalCenter in Omaha for 14 years. Jamie joined the Live On Nebraska team in 2015 as a Tissue ProcurementCoordinator. When the birth tissue program was developed in 2018, Jamie’s experience in OBGYN andwound care made her a natural fit for the program. In addition to her recovery duties, Jamie works toeducate hospital staff and providers on the benefits of placental donation and the donation process.Because no two hospitals are the same, Jamie is continuously developing new practices to adapt to theunique needs of each hospital.