AATB Learning

Lisa A. Colaianni
Lisa has served as WRTC’s Donor Family Advocate since 1990. She has developed an aftercare bereavement program for families of all tissue and organ donors in the Washington metropolitan area. Lisa provides bereavement support and advocacy services to donor families. She is Past Chair of the Association of Organ Procurement Organizations (AOPO) Donor Family Services Council. Lisa served as a Professional Editor for the National Donor Family Council newsletter and was a member of the National Donor Family Council’s Executive Committee. She received a Death and Dying Certificate through Colorado State University and the Center for Loss and Dying in 2009. Lisa became a non-directed kidney donor in 2011, resulting in an eight recipient chain.
Lisa came to the DC area in 1977 to work for her congressman from Vermont, James Jeffords. She spent 15 years as a Congressional Aide to various Congressmen and Senators. Lisa resides in McLean, VA.