AATB Learning

Mark S. Granick, M.D
Mark S. Granick, M.D. FACS is a tenured Professor of Surgery and Medical Director of the UH Wound Center. Dr. Granick has a 35-year history of academic plastic surgical experience. Began with a BA from Cornell University and an MD from Harvard Medical School. His residency training was performed at Harvard and at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Granick is certified by the American Boards of Plastic Surgery and of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Granick is very active on the international academic scene and has taught many courses and lectured throughout the world. He is internationally known for his expertise in wound surgery and technology. r. Granick has edited 9 textbooks, written 57 book chapters and over 200 peers reviewed scholarly publications. He co-founded and co-edits the first open access, Pub Med indexed plastic surgery journal, ePlasty. Dr. Granick has NIH funded research on biofilms and wounds. He has fostered a program of cutting-edge surgery and developed one of the most sought after plastic surgical training programs in the country. He is internationally, nationally and regionally recognized as a top plastic surgeon as evidenced by his lifetime appointment to Strathmore's Who's Who and Marquis Who's Who, over 30 Castle Connelly Top Doctor honors and multiple international awards. He has served as President of the NJMS Faculty Organization, and received the Distinguished Career Award by the NJMS faculty.