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Faith Case, MSQA, CTBS

Faith Case, MSQA, CTBS

Faith Case has served in the tissue bank industry since 2007 with a primary focus on quality systems. She is the Director of Quality Assurance, Risk & Safety at Regenerative Biologics, Inc. (formerly known as Southeast Tissue Alliance, SETA) a tissue recovery and acquisition agency in Gainesville Florida.

Faith has committed her career to continuous improvement, challenging the fundamental quality of people, processes, and products to achieve superior performance outcomes. She advocates creating cultures that promote continuous learning and process improvement. Recognizing and honoring the gift of donation, Faith is committed to maintaining the integrity of donors and raising awareness of the importance and benefit of donation.  

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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Quality is quality, but there are different considerations for quality assurance in living donation. During this session, we will review the development and launch of birth tissue quality assurance programs.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The donation and acquisition of birth tissues present a number of technical hurdles to an OTPO that already recovers cadaveric tissue for transplantation. Birth Tissue A – Z will provide an overview of birth tissue program considerations and challenges. Focusing on the essential building blocks of a successful birth tissue program, we will review aspects of the birth tissue program that differ from traditional cadaveric tissue programs. The role of physicians and hospital staff will be discussed and we will provide insight surrounding the structure and typical challenges that an OTPO can encounter when implementing a birth tissue recovery program.