About Us


Autism BrainNet is a collaborative network for the acquisition and distribution of postmortem
brain tissue and other biologic samples for research on autism spectrum disorder and related
neurodevelopmental conditions.

As a program of the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative, Autism BrainNet works with
researchers and the communities affected by autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions
to develop a sensitive and effective strategy for acquiring postmortem brain tissue. The
donations will produce a resource that facilitates the highest quality research into the causes of
these conditions. The data generated will be shared to enable the development of treatments
that improve the quality of life of individuals who are affected by them.

Autism BrainNet includes three sites, also called nodes, in the United States and two
international partnerships. Each node follows the high standards set by Autism BrainNet to
collect, process, store and distribute the gift of donated brain tissue to qualified researchers

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