How to Address Falling C-Section Rates & Birth Tissue Donation

Session Summary

With C-section rates starting to trend downward nationally, birth tissue recovery agencies need to plan and strategize how to maintain a successful birth tissue program. This presentation will discuss the challenges facilities may face, including working with hospital pathology departments and some options to consider in maintaining a successful program.

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss national C-Section rates and trends from previous years regarding births.
  2. Understand challenges associated with placentias requiring pathology evaluation.
  3. Provide options to consider to ensure changes in C-section rates as well as births in general will not significantly impact birth tissue donation.

Hannis W. Thompson, MD

Medical Director


Dr. Hannis Thompson is Medical Director at AlloSource located in Centennial, Colorado. His primary responsibility is reviewing donor records to determine donor eligibility. He is actively involved in the AATB Physicians Council and several AATB committees. Prior to joining AlloSource he was faculty at the University of Colorado School of Medicine for 15 years, where he was Medical Director of Transfusion Services and Director of the Pathology residency training program.


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Select the "View On-Demand Recording" button to begin.  |  29 minutes
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0.50 credits  |  Certificate available
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